I don't seem to be able to get Julian's carnival no matter how many times I try. What's the probability that he appears supposed to be when you select "Put your pets to work"?
heya! I had a similar problem, to activate Julian's first event (his hypnosis performance) you have to also choose "offer your own services" when you choose "put your pets to work" (this is also how the rogue's storyline is unlocked!) once you get the event where you find one of his posters seeking assistants you have to choose to take the job yourself
after you've been hypnotized by him three times he'll send you a letter informing you that he has set up his circus in the forest, then you'll be able to visit it and continue his storyline
Hiya, I've been having some issues with getting into dungeons in the ruins. I'm playing on Linux and the game has worked well enough with Wine, but every time I try to go into the dungeon the screen stays black and a mass of popups appear that say the feature is not implemented yet. I've been playing in 0.9.2, where it is implemented, but is there a fix for this? It leaves me unable to convert the bunny, unfortunately. Willing to give more info if needed, tysm!
I LOVE the writing in this game and the story is super fun! though I'm having some trouble with the 0.9.1 content as I can't find the "work" area to begin the rogue hunt, could anyone please tell me where this area is supposed to be located?
so trying to play the game, however, my arrow keys and any other keys don't work as my character is just moving around (not using controller software or anything like that). I'm trying to play this game on my laptop, and it does this. Do I have to use the Setup file that is in the folder? if so then that's also a problem as it doesn't install and instead comes up as an error saying the file can't be found.
I've had the same issue, and no matter how hard I try I can't figure out a way to fix it. I can't play this game without the arrow keys, is there any way to use WASD instead?
Love the concepts to no end. Julian is a favorite. And the musk scripts are grade A. However, a few critiques:
It's a constant battle to upkeep obedience. I understand the competitive nature you're going for. But with constant day ending obedience losses, I feel I spend more time trying for gold and wasting days on obedience training. Keeping me from the story you're trying to tell.
Secondly, the dialogue. We love the dialogue. We really love the dialogue... maybe too much? On repetitive actions such as, I don't know *cough* obedience training? Among other do over events as well, there HAS to be a better skip for dialogue. After 120 days out of 300 spent on obedience training for example, I get the point, no need for the slow dialogue every time.
Lastly, I understand that outcomes of actions are by chance. But is there ANY way we could have a sliver of insight to what works best in these scenarios? When a high Speed advantage fails 5 in a row, I can't tell if there's something I'm supposed to do or if it's just luck.
Aside from those things, I love the story. I love the dialogue (the first time). And I love the direction that the world and story can expand. I understand there's much more to pour and this is just the beginning. I hope to play a better and better game as your passions thrive.
Thank you for taking the time to write up so much feedback! There's a better way to skip text mentioned in the read me and the control scheme listed here on the itchio page, but that's more a fault of mine-- I keep meaning to explain the controls in-game somehow and it continuously slips my mind. The constant battle of upkeeping the house will be alleviated through different options as you play the game-- new mechanics and means of maintaining stats through the estate are planned to help with that, with one example being the milking shed. The game is still in its early stages, though, so a lot of those mechanics aren't incorporated!
I hope this gives you some insight on what I have planned for addressing those problems, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game so much in spite of 'em! <3
been taking my time with the game and been having a great time! 0.9.2 has certainly been going well so far and I'm having fun ^^ Its a bit of a shame though that unless I save in a different file or remember to do so, you can't repeat/watch the scenes for the domination of characters in the basement or experience the hunt outside of replaying it, but honestly, this doesn't change that I think the game is great!
Hi, I've been really enjoying v0.9.2, this game is awesome! I'm commenting here to leave a bug report.
I was doing the bunny hunt in the ruins, and two pretty major glitches happened that I though I should report. When I got to the turn back or keep going part, I chose turn back, but after it played the text and gave me +2 Verdure, it took me back to the choice instead of ending the hunt. I chose turn back again, and the same thing happened.
So I chose keep going, and got to the last part of the fight where it has the exorcism or force him out of it options, and I failed and hit 0 hearts, but it took me back to the choice as if I still had hearts left. I tried both the options, and the same thing kept happening. Eventually I succeeded the roll and won the fight anyway, completing the hunt with 0 hearts left.
I've only done the cleric and bunny hunts so far, and the cleric hunt worked perfectly fine, letting me turn back and failing when I ran out of hearts. There were also a few times where the bunny was called "her" even though I chose "him", but that's minor.
Thank you! It seems like that person just keeps dropping ads for their weird almost-certainly-a-virus game in a TON of NSFW comment sections, usually with new accounts... I'll keep an eye out
No, there will be many more to come! I'm just taking a hiatus until February-- when the next update drops, you'll be able to play 1.0 publicly! But if you want to check it out early, please feel free to donate to the patreon. :>
I don't think you can really use an "and more" when you're giving a content warning about the sorts of fetishes in your game. That's kind of the thing that people need specifics on. Nobody wants to be blindsided because you hid something that squicks them out behind an Etcetera.
Yeah that's a good point, I guess it slipped my mind! I already listed the major fetishes of the game, though, and provide a firmer warning in the beginning of the game itself, so I don't think you'll be spooked by anything TOO out there. I'll give the game a hard think and adjust the warnings appropriately! Thanks for the feedback.
image refuses to embed it's in town, when you snatch the pickpocket, "... or perhaps just a good home. You roll your tongue over "yoru" fangs and consider it..."
I created an account just for this, i played this game from time to time in the past months, but i couldn't figure out anything out of basic stuff, like, i could barely reach any bad ending even after playing for hours, and using cheats to just continue doing stuff without running out of money, and getting an boring game over. Is there any guide? Walkthrough of the endings? I'd very much like to know-
Ooooh!! I cant wait to try out the new update! I havent touched this game for a good while since from when it was shown in a kotaku article, so im excited to try it! And while I cant go onto patreon, I will be waiting for 1.0~
Hi Citrine , I know this isn't a perfect home related but I'm curious,are you interested in people trapped in other worlds/time periods only for them to get brainwashed and play their roles there?
Post-completion thoughts: Noticed one of the dungeon doors was broken slightly, must've been intentional, haha! Named the bun "Paw Zest" after... well, the sword grabbin' em like that... actually, where IS the sword? Maybe that can be for 1.0.1?
I have ideas for it, yes! I'm glad you enjoyed. Even though I've hit 1.0 on the patreon, I don't plan on slowing down in the game's development for a real long time! Sorry for any minor bugs, I've made a patch for the 1.0 version already!
heya, i think the game is amazing how you are updating and adding more things, making the game very interesting ^^
But im curious about one thing, and I considering someway limited (or maybe I don't notice others in the game) but is the endings you can obtain, I mean, there's a limited path that you can take to getting a end, but the thing is that, mostly of the choices you just leveling up your submissive path, and i don't notice in what this is affecting the game, i start trying to making other choices but i don't see a difference, so, the question is, you gonna adding, with the time, been able to getting a ending with some choices if you have your submissive number higher enough? Like for example, having the option to stay like a drone if you turn yourself into one in the Tunel of Love or also, getting completely taked by the imps in the ruins if you get submissive enough.
PS: Hope that you can be able to understanding me, and if you can't sorry, my native language is spanish ^^;
No idea! Nobody else has had that issue so far insofar as I can tell, though I do know that sometimes people's antivirus gets weird about it sometimes. Something to do with this being made in an engine from 2003, I guess? Sorry for the scare!
I feel like in the servant select screen, there should be some amount of info on what stat you might want the most, and also what stat they would increase once you have them as a servant, such as: you have a feeling that being (S) speedy will help you with this servant, you also have a feeling that they will make you (S) speedier as well. Just some simple footnote like that. Otherwise, it's a great game that I honestly don't even play for the scenes, it's a genuinely fun resource management game. Great work so far Citrine!
Help. I got stuck in the costume select screen and I cant return to the game. I wanted to change back my clothes to a main one and then suddenly i cant go back.
There is no problem to fix. Save files are in the same folder as the game executable and all it's assets. You have to manually move your saves by yourself to the folder with new version, they won't magically transfer over.
I feel like I found literally everything in the game all the stuff captured all the heroes then everything like that but I still can't seem to find the bat can someone please tell me where it is.
I'm not sure since I haven't finished it myself but I believe he's in the town, keep looking around there and you should hear about his circus eventually
I've read in some comments about different endings in the game. How many are they? Relying on RNG to find that out is pure torture, I'm not doing that. It would be nice to have more control over whether or not you fail a task while having the requirements (such as 5 cha for a C+, for example).
Would you kindly include a wider variety of stat enhancement potions? With Power being the only thing to buff you can never reasonably make it a dump stat. If including all of them at the start seems like too much then I would propose starting with a Random Enhancement potion, and being able to discover the recipes for the specific buffs in their associated locations (Speed from Town, Power from Dungeon, etc.).
[EDIT] Five things. 1: Even after catching and slaving the Rogue Felicity will still comment on the town burglaries and suggest you look into it. 2: When hunting the Barbarian during the event where you meet an old wolf subordinate, and convince him to step down through reason, there is a typo. "He does. Gods help hiim, but he does.". 3: Captured Julian, but haven't converted him. Went to peruse the circus grounds only to find the options to hunt for Julian. 4: Bug Report. I'm stuck in the wardrobe with no way to change outfits or exit back into the game, though opening the menu works. If it matters I've enslaved everyone, fixed up the house (including pillows), used the witch bottle on Charm and the opening stat up on Wisdom, and my current party is Felicity, Julian, and Rogue. 5. Crash Report. Tried to access the Slime Pits dungeon, game immediately crashed with the message "Not Implemented" window spammed. Above conditions are the same.
You can raise your CHA with a Pollen Dose if I remember correctly. Don't know of a way to raise the other stats though besides slaves. Power is definitely one of the easier stats to raise right now.
← Return to game
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Is there an estimate on when 1.0 may be public?
the dev said 1.0 will be released to the public once he's done with the next update which will probably be sometime around February ^^
I don't seem to be able to get Julian's carnival no matter how many times I try. What's the probability that he appears supposed to be when you select "Put your pets to work"?
heya! I had a similar problem, to activate Julian's first event (his hypnosis performance) you have to also choose "offer your own services" when you choose "put your pets to work" (this is also how the rogue's storyline is unlocked!) once you get the event where you find one of his posters seeking assistants you have to choose to take the job yourself
after you've been hypnotized by him three times he'll send you a letter informing you that he has set up his circus in the forest, then you'll be able to visit it and continue his storyline
hope this helps!
Hiya, I've been having some issues with getting into dungeons in the ruins. I'm playing on Linux and the game has worked well enough with Wine, but every time I try to go into the dungeon the screen stays black and a mass of popups appear that say the feature is not implemented yet. I've been playing in 0.9.2, where it is implemented, but is there a fix for this? It leaves me unable to convert the bunny, unfortunately. Willing to give more info if needed, tysm!
Reported ANOTHER spambot. You're welcome.
I LOVE the writing in this game and the story is super fun! though I'm having some trouble with the 0.9.1 content as I can't find the "work" area to begin the rogue hunt, could anyone please tell me where this area is supposed to be located?
aaahh I had considered that option was for making gold only! thank you so much!
Suggestion: Why has nobody actually just... bonked Citrine on the head while they're trying to hypnotize someone?
i cant install... keeps saying 'LZH not found'
so trying to play the game, however, my arrow keys and any other keys don't work as my character is just moving around (not using controller software or anything like that). I'm trying to play this game on my laptop, and it does this. Do I have to use the Setup file that is in the folder? if so then that's also a problem as it doesn't install and instead comes up as an error saying the file can't be found.
I've had the same issue, and no matter how hard I try I can't figure out a way to fix it. I can't play this game without the arrow keys, is there any way to use WASD instead?
Hey... why did I get kicked from the server again?
I don't know what I did this time, all I did was be polite, and suggest coffee be added... I paid you, even!
Love the concepts to no end. Julian is a favorite. And the musk scripts are grade A. However, a few critiques:
It's a constant battle to upkeep obedience. I understand the competitive nature you're going for. But with constant day ending obedience losses, I feel I spend more time trying for gold and wasting days on obedience training. Keeping me from the story you're trying to tell.
Secondly, the dialogue. We love the dialogue. We really love the dialogue... maybe too much? On repetitive actions such as, I don't know *cough* obedience training? Among other do over events as well, there HAS to be a better skip for dialogue. After 120 days out of 300 spent on obedience training for example, I get the point, no need for the slow dialogue every time.
Lastly, I understand that outcomes of actions are by chance. But is there ANY way we could have a sliver of insight to what works best in these scenarios? When a high Speed advantage fails 5 in a row, I can't tell if there's something I'm supposed to do or if it's just luck.
Aside from those things, I love the story. I love the dialogue (the first time). And I love the direction that the world and story can expand. I understand there's much more to pour and this is just the beginning. I hope to play a better and better game as your passions thrive.
Thank you <3
Thank you for taking the time to write up so much feedback! There's a better way to skip text mentioned in the read me and the control scheme listed here on the itchio page, but that's more a fault of mine-- I keep meaning to explain the controls in-game somehow and it continuously slips my mind. The constant battle of upkeeping the house will be alleviated through different options as you play the game-- new mechanics and means of maintaining stats through the estate are planned to help with that, with one example being the milking shed. The game is still in its early stages, though, so a lot of those mechanics aren't incorporated!
I hope this gives you some insight on what I have planned for addressing those problems, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game so much in spite of 'em! <3
been taking my time with the game and been having a great time! 0.9.2 has certainly been going well so far and I'm having fun ^^
Its a bit of a shame though that unless I save in a different file or remember to do so, you can't repeat/watch the scenes for the domination of characters in the basement or experience the hunt outside of replaying it, but honestly, this doesn't change that I think the game is great!
Hi, I've been really enjoying v0.9.2, this game is awesome! I'm commenting here to leave a bug report.
I was doing the bunny hunt in the ruins, and two pretty major glitches happened that I though I should report. When I got to the turn back or keep going part, I chose turn back, but after it played the text and gave me +2 Verdure, it took me back to the choice instead of ending the hunt. I chose turn back again, and the same thing happened.
So I chose keep going, and got to the last part of the fight where it has the exorcism or force him out of it options, and I failed and hit 0 hearts, but it took me back to the choice as if I still had hearts left. I tried both the options, and the same thing kept happening. Eventually I succeeded the roll and won the fight anyway, completing the hunt with 0 hearts left.
I've only done the cleric and bunny hunts so far, and the cleric hunt worked perfectly fine, letting me turn back and failing when I ran out of hearts. There were also a few times where the bunny was called "her" even though I chose "him", but that's minor.
Will there be mobile version maybe
Thank you for your awesome work.
Reported the grossness, don't you worry.
Thank you! It seems like that person just keeps dropping ads for their weird almost-certainly-a-virus game in a TON of NSFW comment sections, usually with new accounts... I'll keep an eye out
Is this the last freely available version?
No, there will be many more to come! I'm just taking a hiatus until February-- when the next update drops, you'll be able to play 1.0 publicly! But if you want to check it out early, please feel free to donate to the patreon. :>
I'm experiencing what I assume is a glitch, where the rogue's end-of-day event does not happen despite him being in my party.
I don't think you can really use an "and more" when you're giving a content warning about the sorts of fetishes in your game. That's kind of the thing that people need specifics on. Nobody wants to be blindsided because you hid something that squicks them out behind an Etcetera.
Yeah that's a good point, I guess it slipped my mind! I already listed the major fetishes of the game, though, and provide a firmer warning in the beginning of the game itself, so I don't think you'll be spooked by anything TOO out there. I'll give the game a hard think and adjust the warnings appropriately! Thanks for the feedback.
Typo, it's spelt your, not yoru.
image refuses to embed
it's in town, when you snatch the pickpocket,
"... or perhaps just a good home. You roll your tongue over "yoru" fangs and consider it..."
you can't so far, you just have to use your heroes.
To add to this, you can make a Strength Potion and use Pollen Extract to increase Charisma. These require Verdue to make and only last for a day.
There's currently no way to temporarily increase the other stats as far as I know.
how do i accses the debug menu thing
I created an account just for this, i played this game from time to time in the past months, but i couldn't figure out anything out of basic stuff, like, i could barely reach any bad ending even after playing for hours, and using cheats to just continue doing stuff without running out of money, and getting an boring game over.
Is there any guide? Walkthrough of the endings? I'd very much like to know-
Ooooh!! I cant wait to try out the new update! I havent touched this game for a good while since from when it was shown in a kotaku article, so im excited to try it!
And while I cant go onto patreon, I will be waiting for 1.0~
Hi Citrine , I know this isn't a perfect home related but I'm curious,are you interested in people trapped in other worlds/time periods only for them to get brainwashed and play their roles there?
Post-completion thoughts: Noticed one of the dungeon doors was broken slightly, must've been intentional, haha! Named the bun "Paw Zest" after... well, the sword grabbin' em like that... actually, where IS the sword? Maybe that can be for 1.0.1?
I have ideas for it, yes! I'm glad you enjoyed. Even though I've hit 1.0 on the patreon, I don't plan on slowing down in the game's development for a real long time! Sorry for any minor bugs, I've made a patch for the 1.0 version already!
Ah, thanks for the reply! It's a big thing to have the creator reply, haha.
You can enable debug mode to change variables/switches, it's very useful for me.
Thanks, it helped a lot
I'm having an issue where I can't walk properly, down is making me go left and left is making me go up but up and right doesn't do anything.
Found the most hilarious bug. You can capture the Rogue... while already having the Rogue on your party.
I asked Skink to draw the result of this, and uh...
Wish there's a way to skip the end of day stuff, or a way to summarize the results.
I keep going into town but I cant seem to unlock the rouge? Does anyone know how to unlock him?
Nevermind mes read the patch notes and realized the rouge's path has been updated
heya, i think the game is amazing how you are updating and adding more things, making the game very interesting ^^
But im curious about one thing, and I considering someway limited (or maybe I don't notice others in the game) but is the endings you can obtain, I mean, there's a limited path that you can take to getting a end, but the thing is that, mostly of the choices you just leveling up your submissive path, and i don't notice in what this is affecting the game, i start trying to making other choices but i don't see a difference, so, the question is, you gonna adding, with the time, been able to getting a ending with some choices if you have your submissive number higher enough? Like for example, having the option to stay like a drone if you turn yourself into one in the Tunel of Love or also, getting completely taked by the imps in the ruins if you get submissive enough.
PS: Hope that you can be able to understanding me, and if you can't sorry, my native language is spanish ^^;
I decided to try downloading the game, and for safety, I usually run it through virustotal, and it showed me that there is AdWare.DealPly.ncmb.
What does it mean?
Or rather, why put a virus in the game?
it's a false positive.
Or it thinks it's adware, which most likely means somehow you found a copy ported to an alternate website with adware attached.
He is talking about the game on Itch io, downloaded from this site from this author
No idea! Nobody else has had that issue so far insofar as I can tell, though I do know that sometimes people's antivirus gets weird about it sometimes. Something to do with this being made in an engine from 2003, I guess? Sorry for the scare!
In regards to the "Calling Cards" I can't seem to find this event? Where is the "Work" area
I feel like in the servant select screen, there should be some amount of info on what stat you might want the most, and also what stat they would increase once you have them as a servant, such as: you have a feeling that being (S) speedy will help you with this servant, you also have a feeling that they will make you (S) speedier as well. Just some simple footnote like that. Otherwise, it's a great game that I honestly don't even play for the scenes, it's a genuinely fun resource management game. Great work so far Citrine!
Help. I got stuck in the costume select screen and I cant return to the game. I wanted to change back my clothes to a main one and then suddenly i cant go back.
please, im already far in the game and i dont want to go back from the start
can you please fix this problem
There is no problem to fix. Save files are in the same folder as the game executable and all it's assets. You have to manually move your saves by yourself to the folder with new version, they won't magically transfer over.
i always lose all my save file everytime i download new updated version
That often happens when updating games/visual novels, the old code from the save file isn't compatible with the new version of the game code anymore
so we have to start it over and over again?
Unfortunately probably yes
I feel like I found literally everything in the game all the stuff captured all the heroes then everything like that but I still can't seem to find the bat can someone please tell me where it is.
I'm not sure since I haven't finished it myself but I believe he's in the town, keep looking around there and you should hear about his circus eventually
In the ruins, I got it a couple times
I've read in some comments about different endings in the game. How many are they? Relying on RNG to find that out is pure torture, I'm not doing that. It would be nice to have more control over whether or not you fail a task while having the requirements (such as 5 cha for a C+, for example).
Would you kindly include a wider variety of stat enhancement potions? With Power being the only thing to buff you can never reasonably make it a dump stat. If including all of them at the start seems like too much then I would propose starting with a Random Enhancement potion, and being able to discover the recipes for the specific buffs in their associated locations (Speed from Town, Power from Dungeon, etc.).
[EDIT] Five things. 1: Even after catching and slaving the Rogue Felicity will still comment on the town burglaries and suggest you look into it. 2: When hunting the Barbarian during the event where you meet an old wolf subordinate, and convince him to step down through reason, there is a typo. "He does. Gods help hiim, but he does.". 3: Captured Julian, but haven't converted him. Went to peruse the circus grounds only to find the options to hunt for Julian. 4: Bug Report. I'm stuck in the wardrobe with no way to change outfits or exit back into the game, though opening the menu works. If it matters I've enslaved everyone, fixed up the house (including pillows), used the witch bottle on Charm and the opening stat up on Wisdom, and my current party is Felicity, Julian, and Rogue. 5. Crash Report. Tried to access the Slime Pits dungeon, game immediately crashed with the message "Not Implemented" window spammed. Above conditions are the same.
You can raise your CHA with a Pollen Dose if I remember correctly. Don't know of a way to raise the other stats though besides slaves. Power is definitely one of the easier stats to raise right now.