This game is promising, but so confusing... I'm feeling helpless like... I know what to do, but I dunno how should I. How should I find heroes? How should I get more servants? How? This game is really lack of guidance Imo
The wiki has lots of information but if you don't want spoilers:
General Principle: Explore, Explore, Explore.
You start with three main spots to explore: The ruins, town (technically there is also an option to work as well), and the woods. The Woods is a good place to gain servants, The Town is a good way to get money, and The Ruins are a good place for more specific material and money.
You will find the heroes in these areas but they take time to be available, so you need to constantly go to them. It can admittedly start slow. Don't worry if you feel lost or confused, the game doesn't give too many hints on how to approach it (well, maybe besides Felicity).
Hi! We often find this is a consequence of transferring saves from older versions. An easy (if slightly awkward) fix that doesn't require restarting anything is just using the genderswap potion on him once or twice!
I can't use the arrow keys. I pressed every button on the keyboard and ALT selected the new game button. 0 on the numpad, X, and ALT progress through the messages but I still can't move. I can press X, NUM-0, and escape to open and close the menu but that's all I can do at the moment.
EDIT: After reinstalling and stuff, along with all the other key presses mentioned; C, V, B, N key's open the menu. Pressing ALT while in the menu opens the item box. clicking off and then back to the game does the same thing as ALT
Pressing NUM-0 when it asks to skip the intro takes me to the intro I think? it took me to a hallway without asking the questions.
This is PROBABLY a bug report, but I'm finding it impossible to open up the ritual room. There's no prompt for restoring it - just Citrine musing that they'll think of a use for the room eventually.
I FIGURED IT OUT You need to go to the forest after having worship 8 where you'll encounter the forest god, and dominate them. THEN you can build it after getting worship to 4 again (it resets)
I absolutely love this game, one of my favorites! But I just discovered something that changes everything. Something so important, that I can never unsee it.
The house on the title screen has a happy face. The house is now my favorite character. That is all.
i kept julian's default name and now the text with him at the end of the day is littered as "Jul his/her." Any idea how to fix this on my end or yours?
you get at least 30 gold on most days working, that covers a day and a half, which is half a day of profit. work twice, explore once, and eventually one of the heroes can provide passive income
ah the image didn't send- was exploring the attic, spawned in the room with chests and a gift box, that has the doll which you almost punch, got stuck in the barrel because I spawned 1 tile left of door.
Does anyone know if you can actually reisist being hypnotized by Julian the first time you meet him? I’m pretty sure I have 100% chance of succeding the charm check but I still got hypnotized?
i have a problem with loading the game and the "setup.exe", anytime i try to start the game i get no response from it, and everytime i do the setup thing and place it on the folder of the game itself it aborts.
I have downloaded the game and came across that bug that was mentioned in the Q/A, Unfortunately i have not been able to fix it. I even installed and uninstalled the game a couple times. Though another worry that i came across is when i tried to open it. As there's the game itself then there's another thing called "setup" that has you install something I'm not aware of currently.
crash when using the "charm" option on the disobediant fox- event in the kitsune mansion: made the succeed sound, and then complained about being unable to open "dizzy fox alt file"
1.11 bug: Flores' pronouns during the hunt under the castle register as "he" and "him" while I have them set to she. Notably, though, "herself" registers correctly; I don't think I've seen "himself". Also, before switching Julian's gender, it appeared as "Julian he/her" in any text mentioning it; although that's probably just a save porting issue so nothing to worry about.
Had the same problem, also the party management text also referred to her as him. Didn't really have time to take her out to see post day events so don't know if they also have that problem.
Well, this is fun. I wonder if that forest god can be a follower or something? Asking because i really like the expy of what she is (if im right and it IS Amanterasu)
Clicking on the barricaded door should reveal a list of materials and gold needed to fix it. When you have everything, there should be a prompt asking if you want to construct the room, this will take a day
Just a bug report, for some odd reason I can now only hold 2 party members beside Citrine. I suspect its something to do with me imprisoning the Rogue while also having Felicity being taken under Julian's control for the day but its quite annoying.
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I lost 3 normal wisdom skillchecks (or whatever they are called) in a row at the very end of the "chasing heroes" dungeon with my wisdom being 3
10/10 would recommend
Rolled the 1/4 three times it seems.
This game is promising, but so confusing... I'm feeling helpless like... I know what to do, but I dunno how should I. How should I find heroes? How should I get more servants? How? This game is really lack of guidance Imo
The wiki has lots of information but if you don't want spoilers:
General Principle: Explore, Explore, Explore.
You start with three main spots to explore: The ruins, town (technically there is also an option to work as well), and the woods. The Woods is a good place to gain servants, The Town is a good way to get money, and The Ruins are a good place for more specific material and money.
You will find the heroes in these areas but they take time to be available, so you need to constantly go to them. It can admittedly start slow. Don't worry if you feel lost or confused, the game doesn't give too many hints on how to approach it (well, maybe besides Felicity).
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but will there be a possibility to play as a female protagonist in the future?
Found a bug, having Flores drain your stats gives you the Witch Bottle yet doesn't lower your stats.
I gotta ask and I'm sorry if this is annoying but... like how the fuck do you play this
Absolute Cinema. 10/10.
Julian's pronouns are glitching for my copy of version 1.11.2
It keeps displaying them as "Jul her/his", "Jul her/him", etc.
The effect cuts off descriptions due to text box limitations.
Hi! We often find this is a consequence of transferring saves from older versions. An easy (if slightly awkward) fix that doesn't require restarting anything is just using the genderswap potion on him once or twice!
Thanks! Worked like a charm!
I got this bug as well on a new save, I've never played any other version.
The game never asked me to choose Julian's gender at any point.
Using a genderswap potion worked though.
im curious how do the skill check work? is it just a percentage based on ur skill number?
From the Perfect Home Wiki:
fun game but i dont think i understand how playingf with a servant works
i never get an option to bring them to bed
I can't use the arrow keys. I pressed every button on the keyboard and ALT selected the new game button. 0 on the numpad, X, and ALT progress through the messages but I still can't move. I can press X, NUM-0, and escape to open and close the menu but that's all I can do at the moment.
EDIT: After reinstalling and stuff, along with all the other key presses mentioned; C, V, B, N key's open the menu. Pressing ALT while in the menu opens the item box. clicking off and then back to the game does the same thing as ALT
Pressing NUM-0 when it asks to skip the intro takes me to the intro I think? it took me to a hallway without asking the questions.
I don't know how this works, but it seemed to have fixed the problem I was having.
Will this game ever be released for mobile?
Found I typo I believe. After you enter the Ruins with "Cocklust" with the Imp got a bit random 0] in his text
This is PROBABLY a bug report, but I'm finding it impossible to open up the ritual room. There's no prompt for restoring it - just Citrine musing that they'll think of a use for the room eventually.
I believe you need to increase your Worship stat first before restoring it.
The wiki says I need at least 4, but I have 8 and nothing's happening.
You need to go to the forest after having worship 8 where you'll encounter the forest god, and dominate them. THEN you can build it after getting worship to 4 again (it resets)
I absolutely love this game, one of my favorites! But I just discovered something that changes everything. Something so important, that I can never unsee it.
The house on the title screen has a happy face. The house is now my favorite character. That is all.
small bug i found: having just subjugated julian, whenever his name comes up it comes up as "Jul her/him" and "Jul He/His" instead of his/hers/etc.
its fixed by a genderswap potion, so i think the issue comes from how you can't choose julian's sex before encountering him
while dronified from the tunnel of love, flores is also in the hallway outside your room, despite not having captured all four heroes
When will there be an android version if ever?
will there be a MacBook version of this game in the future?
i kept julian's default name and now the text with him at the end of the day is littered as "Jul his/her." Any idea how to fix this on my end or yours?
Use the gender-changing potion
How are you supposed to explore when you're basically forced to spend every day earning money just to keep everything running?
you get at least 30 gold on most days working, that covers a day and a half, which is half a day of profit. work twice, explore once, and eventually one of the heroes can provide passive income
Getting the Thief early on can help with money making.
ah the image didn't send-
was exploring the attic, spawned in the room with chests and a gift box, that has the doll which you almost punch, got stuck in the barrel because I spawned 1 tile left of door.
What happened to most of Dizzy's art? Did Hypnocatto just decide he wants something new? Is there some announcement I missed?
It's mostly just that I decided I wanted to do the art myself, I'd rather not discuss it more than that admittedly!
Управление не работает. Я не могу спуститься вниз, такое ощущение, что игра постоянно щипает стрелку вверх, хотя я сам ее не нажимаю.
Does anyone know if you can actually reisist being hypnotized by Julian the first time you meet him? I’m pretty sure I have 100% chance of succeding the charm check but I still got hypnotized?
The Charm check only prevents you from going too deep into a trance if I recall. If you fail, you gain Submission and lose Obedience.
I put Flores in the milking room and he can't get out, even after I pressed stop.
i have a problem with loading the game and the "setup.exe", anytime i try to start the game i get no response from it, and everytime i do the setup thing and place it on the folder of the game itself it aborts.
i'd like some help if anyone knows, please!
You have to download the rpg maker it says, so I did that, and it still wont open
I have downloaded the game and came across that bug that was mentioned in the Q/A, Unfortunately i have not been able to fix it. I even installed and uninstalled the game a couple times. Though another worry that i came across is when i tried to open it. As there's the game itself then there's another thing called "setup" that has you install something I'm not aware of currently.
crash when using the "charm" option on the disobediant fox- event in the kitsune mansion: made the succeed sound, and then complained about being unable to open "dizzy fox alt file"
1.11 bug: Flores' pronouns during the hunt under the castle register as "he" and "him" while I have them set to she. Notably, though, "herself" registers correctly; I don't think I've seen "himself". Also, before switching Julian's gender, it appeared as "Julian he/her" in any text mentioning it; although that's probably just a save porting issue so nothing to worry about.
same problem in the subjugation
Had the same problem, also the party management text also referred to her as him. Didn't really have time to take her out to see post day events so don't know if they also have that problem.
Found a bug in 1.11.1. You can add Flores to your party before you recruit them.
It seems the 1.11.1 download isn't working on the Itch App. Guessing that it isn't registered for Windows download since it lacks the icon next to it.
I'm glad someone mentioned it, I thought I was going crazy since I couldn't download it
It's finally updated people! The development log is just lagging behind.
Well, this is fun. I wonder if that forest god can be a follower or something? Asking because i really like the expy of what she is (if im right and it IS Amanterasu)
i can export a saved file of a oldest version to a new one?
dose anyone know were the ritual room is? i have enofe worship but i cant find it :/
Second floor, right side. Your gonna have to build it first
How do i gain the ability to build it?
Clicking on the barricaded door should reveal a list of materials and gold needed to fix it. When you have everything, there should be a prompt asking if you want to construct the room, this will take a day
ty :3 turns out i need 8 worship first according to the wiki
Just a bug report, for some odd reason I can now only hold 2 party members beside Citrine. I suspect its something to do with me imprisoning the Rogue while also having Felicity being taken under Julian's control for the day but its quite annoying.
oddly an easy & fun game if you keep saves up to date through the play through. Felicity is awesome :3
Dont not try to hack the game it ended badly for me i broken my wison stat