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is there a discord or something where we can get tips or something like that? cuz I'm pretty sure I'm stuck harder than my stepsister


We're not always here, but why not ask here?

Besides, Citrine added some FAQs in the game description, and hardly anything in the game is too complex to explain here


I really want to continue with this game, but how am I supposed to improve my stats when there was only one witch's bottle? Have you not added anymore in the gameplay? Why not add any with the latest build? I need that incentive and skill to feel ready to encounter the heroes. I'm tired of toiling for Gold.

Just sharing that captured Heroes can be "Taken Out" with you on quests via the desk to the right. Each one adds 1 point to your stats. Felicity ("GF") gives you Charm, Locke ("Fox Golem") and the Barbarian ("Forest") gives you Power, Julian ("Circus") and Cleric ("Town") gives you Wisdom. I think the Rogue is bugged, so I haven't gotten him yet.

With a full party and 1 witch's bottle, you have enough to have 1,2,3,4 on your stats, distributed as you see fit, which is enough for all challenges so far. Just need to make the correct choices, and some save-scumming

that is true, though the start can be a bit slow, specially cause what you get is randomized

it'll most likelly be improved in the future


I'm pretty sure Master Jullian hypnotized me irl. I'm legit just happy with the "Best In Show" ending, and I feel no need to explore any more. I can only say nice things about Master.

While I'm sad I couldn't make a better show during the fight, I'm just glad everything was what Master wanted

What happened to that captured spirt/creature in Julian's circus? Can we find them? There was some mention of them being a good architect.

(3 edits)

i'm experiencing a really weird and game breaking glitch where every thing is just stuck moving upwards without me even touching the up arrow making it actually impossible to play the game (and no my up arrow isn't broken because it works perfectly fine with other rpg's and no i don't have any controller softwere running) has anyone else experienced this or now how to fix it? Edit: managed to fix it by soft resetting my laptop still have no idea what was causing it though but i'm glad it worked

witch bottles how get more

(3 edits) (+1)

I encountered a glitch where I go on the hunt for the cleric in the most recent update (0.7.0), and I immediately enter the mind alter scene in the cells, which I wouldn't think too much of the first time, like maybe he's so overzealous so he locks himself, not caring about the witch in his room for he knows she can't do anything, but for some reason every time I wanna go for the thief cat, I replay the mind break scene of the cleric, before that I had saved on the map screen, not sure if that means anything or if I'm just encountering a glitch unrelated.

Edit: Trying previous saves to see if I can somehow fix it, going for thief first, also can you add day counter to save? I have no idea how many days I go back with each save, also great game!

Edit 2: While I have your attention, where do I find something (fluffy/soft/whatever) for the pillows, been looking through the forest to try and find something, tried town but nothing worked, but I swear if it's cotton candy imma do a thing. Not sure what alignment it is but it will occur.

Deleted 116 days ago

I just saw the kotaku article, never did I expect kotaku to write an article about this game, yet here we are.

On a lesser note, nice new update, can't wait to try it out!

It's quite rare to find a dev that's good with updates, both in terms of frequency and content quality (which IMO got better over time). Good job!


how can i get dronified secene

after capturing the hypnotist if you go to the circus and explore alongside the red haired cat (and maybe if u got the hypnotist too?) there is a chance of finding the love tunnel, take that

can you add a cheat men

Pretty sure cheats are for the Patreon version

The game is fantastic. I love all the writing and the dialogue, and Julian has a special place in my heart and home. It really, really just needs to be possible to make or otherwise get witch bottles. It's incredibly frustrating to keep redoing the same RNG over and over and over without any way of improving your chances. At the very least, a skip button would help ameliorate some of the frustration. I want to play way more of this game, so once there's a better way to progress I'll definitely be hopping back into it!

Has anyone been able to meet the cleric? I can't even get his first event in town, I don't know if I'm missing something;;

the game is really REALLY good but it really need a guide!

(2 edits) (+1)

cant seem to find the bunny or the bat, and aparently there is a lion and a fox too? cant find those either

and how does one obtain more witch's bottles?

I love this so much! The character and the concept is just amazing. Especially the ost - where can I find the artists?

Any plan for an android version?

for some reason the game isnt letting me update from the older version to the new one, when I make it happen manually it creates a separate folder for it

is there a way to fix that? or, if not, to transfer the old save files into the new one instead?

How does one move their old save file to the new update? I may have overlooked it, but I can't seem to figure it out without the fear of accidentally destroying the game itself. 

Its as simple as finding your save file, and draging/copying it to the new versions folder

Not gonna lie, saw rpg maker and thought i could play this on joiplay. Sadly no. Ah well. Game looks cool tho. All the best in the future. :D

EasyRPG works for me, you should try that!

does anyone know how to get more witchbottles?

I wish I did

I'm running into a very weird control problem.
Everytime I start it up it has the up key stuck. 

I mash left+right on the menu and have to hope it lands on new game. 

But once I'm in game the game keeps pressing up again. So I can't even get past the first room. I can go to the top of the room and left and right on the topmost of the room only. I can't go down and right to enter the next room.

it's the same for me!

i tried disconnecting any and all accessories but i can't seem to find the culprit of the problem.

any luck?

Redownloaded it and... nope. A shame, I saw this game and thought it had promise. Instead it feels like I'm playing a slot machine where all the slots keep sliding forever.

My antivirus reacts to this game pretty badly, is it safe?

Safe as can be! Just a very nice hypno game.

(1 edit) (+1)

do you plan on adding some kind of gallery for all the scenes so you dont need to reload and intentionally lose to see the bad ends, or if there is a gallery already where is it 


Please add a movile vercion

haven't tried on mobile, but i suspect it would probably run through easyrpg player. i've been using the linux version of easyrpg player to play it and it works fine on my computer.

(1 edit)

Can someone PLEASE tell me what I have to do to hunt Julian down? I've roamed the Circus loads of times, and seeking him out results in the bad end.

You have to successfully refuse to be his assistant and escape his minion when they try to capture you. After that it’s information gathering.


how do you get witch bottels? im too weak to do anything rn but got a million sv


where's the dang bat

theres a bat?

havent met it

i have play this game for 3 day and still not being able to find a clue to hunt julian all option i get is to submit to him

lots of images aren't showing during scenes for some reason

I dont know how to find the rogue in the town

okay after like the thousand try I did find him lol

how can i start hunting julian

(1 edit) (+1)

Playing through the game with different stat builds, and is there a guide on how the stats effect what percentages? In particular the Juilian encounter in town since I have not once seen even my character with Charm 5 manage to resist hypnosis, so just how tough is C+?


I think you’ve been incredibly unlucky. I’ve had trouble falling for Julian in town in my Charm Sub run.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but, are you sure? I just ran through the event ten times as a test with Charm 5, and I'm 0/10 for actually resisting the hypnotism. Even if it is possible at this rate the odds are unfairly low as far as I'm concerned.

Weirdly enough, I succeeded on my first attempt against Julian, and on all three checks so far to extort the thief you can find while exploring the storefronts in town (all are C+ checks)

I'm fairly sure not all checks are rated the same though (having wayyyy too much trouble gathering materials in the forest despite literally never failing on the leopard encounter, and both being normal P or W checks), so it's worth considering.


how does one raise stats for oneself and party members?

and how do u lower submissiveness?

(1 edit)

I'd suggest either changing the movement to wasd or changing the interaction button to z or a or the like, it makes it more smooth to be able to use your second hand rather than to have to move it away from the movement keys to click the interact button

edit: I just noticed Z works for that, thought it didnt cause of the list of controls on the page haha

Will this ever be downloadable on mac?

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