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Is there any, or will there be any, means for repeating/replaying hunt sequences?

Im kinda stuck at the Kitsune manor. How do I make them want to be ruled by me? I've been trying for a couple days and I'm not getting anywhere...

you can’t yet. That’s for the next public update. You can get it now on patron.

Oh, thanks! :)

is outt, now you need to make them like you then you can get the leader

I honestly thought there's a devlog posted for v1.1.1 , but I just notice there's none ._.

Oh well

It would be cool if there was a ghost in this game that possessed you, and is kinda like Julian (He's my favorite cause he has my name). Or is that already a thing? Still that would be cool.

Could someone help me? I can't install the game. Everytime I try to, it says a "LZH Archive" was not found. Help

How do we access the new Kano content? do we have to capture the full set of heroes first?

Just explore the woods until you find the Kitsune event. Then afterwards you'll be able to choose to explore the Kitsune mansion.

Is it in Foraging or Deepwood?

Deepwood seems to be what worked for me, I spent a few days in foraging but I got it instantly with Deepwood.

So is there any content for the ruins bat? is it possible to be enslaved by him or enslave him? if so How?

Neither, just short scenes for losing or winning.

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I checked the "FaceSet" folder and saw some sprites for the bat with the earings and orange eyes. So technically there is a way to enslave the bat.


that would be so kwel

do you plan on adding osx support?

If you get the party and the ending with the witch of the woods scene, is that the end of the current build or is there more stuff to do?

Just the new Kitsune manor content.

How do I get the new kitsune content?


Wonderful game, really enjoying it so far. I have one question though, and I may have just missed something, but what are the hero's crests for?

For selling and trading. Maybe for some recipes but I can't remember now.

Dammit, Kano... I thought we could be FRIENDS. Cats, foxes... aren't we both similar cloth? Why did you have to do what you did...

please, next update. Add the alcohol still. I need to go for the bottle to hide the tears.

i thought we could be allies

ye were a fool to believe there was ever a shot at peace, and a bigger one not to start the war.


Version 1.1.11, dungeons still broken for me. Is literally no one else having this problem? Is it becomes I'm still on Windows 10? Something need to be done before starting?

Hey, uh, would anyone appriciate me getting the latest patreon release and setting a link up for it? Citrine SAID they were going to work on it on the 29th of april, but... uh, nothing...

Citrine has been in a complicated situation lately, so that's probably why he hasn't been able to meet the deadline

Though I'm sure he'll release the next update soon!

Hi, are there other dungeons to unlock? i only got the slime and the one where you capture the rabbit

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when is the new version coming outt 😭

Hi. In the ruins, everytime I try to go on expeditions, I will encounter a bug. The game will stop working. Help, how to resolve this? I'm using the latest version


try maybe getting the game again and see if it works


Still did not work huhu.

Would love for there to be a way to interact with text using the mouse because with games like these I like to link my phone and computer together.

i wo der if a yonrs managed to get this working on mobile through something like JOIPLAY or something

You can play this mobile just use eazyrpg

(can you tell I typed that last post at 3am lol)

is there a trick I'm missing with that? it refuses to recognize the game, whether it's in a zipped folder or not.

Been following this game for a while now, fucking love it.
Just had one question, would you perhaps be interested in teaming up, and allowing me to make an entire original soundtrack for the game? Last time I played it felt kind of quiet, and I really just wanna work on this, don't even care if I don't get paid, that's how much I love it!
If you're interested, you can contact me via twitter or discord.

When's the new update?

it should come today on 10 apri

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Fantastic game! Though, I'm here to report a glitch I've encountered in the most recent build (and am also leaving it here as a guide for those who want to cheat.) Also, SPOILERS AHEAD:

So, I figured out a way to get Infinite Witch Bottles. When you start the game, there's a room called the Pantry which can be accessed/unlocked by buying some Lockpicks. Opening it up, it's a room that has one herb to brew a potion with or some such. This is step 1: Open the Pantry.

Step 2 is a lot more difficult and time consuming: you need to gather up all four heroes and break them. Make them all your slaves and start the party. Go back up to bed and go to sleep, and you'll be given a Witch Bottle and some Good Wine. After that though, you wake up in the middle of the night and are supposed to go into the yard. But...

Step 3: Don't go out into the yard where the shed normally is. Instead, enter the Pantry. It will go from dark to light. Exit the Pantry and you'll find most things have returned to normal-- only, the night music is still playing. Go back upstairs and go to bed. When you do, you'll have the same sequence of events as last night, giving you another Witch Bottle and some more wine.

Step 4 is the most simple: Repeat it. You can do this as many times as you want and get limitless Witch Bottles to make all of your stats go well beyond... well, any number, really.

And that's really it. Happy travels, Citrines!

EDIT: Should also note that, yes, you have infinite Witch Bottles, you do not have infinite Servants. Still gotta find a way to make obtaining them easier, expediting the process of making your stats even more godlike than the Cleric would like you to believe.


step 1 and 2 aren't part of the glitch that's just how you play the game

I understand it's normal for you to go to bed after that whole party scene and wake up in the middle of the night, but what's not normal is walking into the pantry and it's suddenly daytime, skipping the entire cutscene in the yard and continuing the game like you're supposed to.

Bit of a necropost on my part, but if you instead initiate an obedience lesson from the classroom, everyone is stuck in their "party" placements, the music resets, and you can restart the day. This also lets you save the state of the party, when the menu is normally disabled.

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Awesome game! Since it's built in RPGmaker 2003, I got this running on my Nintendo 3DS via EasyRPG/Easy3DS, and although the music lags sometimes and the 3DS crashes on exit, it's surprisingly playable.

Needless to say, publishing builds of this game on 3DS is hard to justify, but the other commenters who want this game on mobile should know about the Android build of EasyRPG. (The iOS version is practically nonexistent though; I'd be surprised if anyone can get the game running on iOS.)

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um, i lost my save and i cant find it, any help?

if it isnt in a saved file then maybe you saved over it. i dunno tho.

yeah, i found out what i did wrong, i started the game over :,)

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how do i get a witch bottle? also is there a way to quickly level the stats?

i got another after i got all the heroes, and the stats, the heroes help you

i got a problem, if i save and i leave the game, if i want to continue it dosent find my saving :

uhhh, a bug:
I wake up fire whatever i see blue and i'm like what the fuck Julian and my instinct is to try and go outside so i try and I can't so i go to the kitchen and i go spontaneously (for whatever reason) to the storeroom and then i walk back out and the day is normal and i can use the witch bottle so i do and then i get another witch bottle

So anyway i have 11 witch bottles

I set up a macro. I have 200 witch bottles.

Should be enough.

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howw, please teach me how to get some :,((

just go into the storeroom during the bit where the mansion turns blue

Hi there I love the game its pretty fun and all of that and well I was playing this whole time the 0.7.0 version! I want to play the most recent one but maybe with the save file that I already have is there a way to transfer that stuff? Thanks for the answer :)

Hi, yes it is possible to transfer saves to more recent versions! First you have to download the new version, then open the folder for the old version you have your saves in. Somewhere within the folder you should see a bunch of files called "Save(Number of the save).lsd" To transfer them all you need to do is select them and move or copy them to the newer version's folder.

Hope this helps!

1.0 and my game still crashes whenever I try and enter a dungeon. Anyone else having this problem?


Best game I ever played oh boy!


Congratulations on reaching 1.0 and your goals. You can be proud. :-)

I was wondering if the date was on this update or the next one? Where would it be if its in this update?


There is a lot for me to say as I see 1.0.0 and while I know this is not the end, the 2 years of development showing in a more or less full release is something else.

Im excited to play 1.0.0 and may you be well!


Please made android version, this game is looks cool

I'm having a hard time finding the Rouge. I've met with the detective and have succeeded in both the situations on trying to find the rogue multiple times but nothing ever happens. Am I missing something?

hey there! I had a similar problem myself. I also thought I was missing something but after checking it does turn out to unlock the rogue hunt you do need to succeed on gathering clues a slightly obnoxious amount of times. I have found though that it might help to alternate between the two options instead of sticking to one, hope this helps!


anyone know if a mobile version is ever planned?


Can this game be play in your phone

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