Finally tried the game, and its really good! I wish the Julian scenes had more about general submission and petplay though 😊 I will be visiting your patreon soon to give my thanks.
A couple of mistakes i found: When I did the rabbit hunt, I tried to go back, but somehow ended up looping back to the question of "do you want to go back", seemingly giving me endless verdure.
I think there's a sentence in the rabbit hunt where a "pack" should have been a "back".
From what I experienced, you need to have captured all four heroes in the story line and then visit the Forest several times after. A scene will randomly trigger for it.
I spent days just trying to capture or tease the foxes who were snagged by the woods, but only after I got the 4th hero did it happen eventually.
Also, don't know if it matters, but I had upgraded everything in the house, so stove, work bench, milk shed.
For instance, one of the questions I'm stumped on are, is the decision to befriend or enslave made as soon as the first kitsune comes to your door? If so then I'm glad I have like 5 save files dedicated to just the kitsune arc. Though with only 15 slots max, this is becoming hard to manage x.x
The hypnotic insight item. I... cannot remember where I got it from. XD Maybe the forest when scouting the merc camp? Also when foraging if you free the kitsune, and then "let them go".
I mainly remember getting it from watching Julian's show at his circus and not getting tranced. I believe you can also get it by going through the Tunnel of Love safely.
Fast fixes (aka what's missing): No Kano stuff when using Dreamcatcher.
Dark Desires (Aka what I'd like to see in the future): I'd LOVE a perma-fox-tail potion. Like, if you use it enough days in a row, Rieki would notice and offer a permanent version. Cause FLOOFY TAILS. A new world map, maybe a desert/beach themed world? Someplace for Citrine to kick up their paws, get a tan, relax for a while, conquering heroes is hard work, he needs a VACAY. Plus we could see, say, Felicity in a cute swimsuit.
You gotta befriend or hypnotize the kitsune at the mansion and you'll gradually unlock different events. Once you've done enough you'll get one last one to unlock the ability to hunt Kano.
I really liked the game, I have some criticism but this isn't the place, if you could open a forum for bugs that would be cool. for example if you enslave Kano and rename him, in the garden where you find him and talk to him the first dialog doesn't have the new name, it says: "Kano is busy sketching in a notebook, ..."
Oh, I'm okay! I was just at Anthrocon-- I mentioned a delay via the patreon's discord, but so we're clear, I'm planning on releasing the update just a few days from now!
Just a heads up, I had a lot of trouble getting to 1.1.2. Turns out I can't download it using itch's launcher. I think it might have something to do with the windows logo missing from the list of versions.
I did get it working by downloading the zip from the web site, so i'm fine now. ...Well as soon as I can figure out where the rabbit is. (I got super stuck because I didn't realize Pollen Addiction affected your ability to go to the ruins.)
Possible idea for later implementation, a scene gallery? For those none repeatable scenes like the heroes hypnosis and other possible scenes later down the line.
Also, going through Kano now, Citrine (the witch, obvious but it hurts not to specify) constantly says neither in the place of either, which doesn't seem to fit their character. Their thoughts, at least, are very well read, as is prominent in their descriptions of their partners during the act. While of course I am not a writer I do find this to break immersion at least for me. (Otherwise though love the game is great love it)
PS: Can you add an option to mute hunt music? I genuinely find it too distracting because of how good it is and have to mute my PC which is a hassle because my keyboard doesn't have a mute option
Tee-hoo, tee-hee, time for another dupe trick from me! Are you running low on servants? don't want to deal with the grind of getting more for my witch bottle glitch? Well have i got just the thing for you! You do need access to the kitsune manor, but you need to beat the game to dupe witch bottles anyway so :shrug:
Talk to the merchant. go to requests. If the request is for a hero's crest, (and if you have 3, i'm not sure if other values work but 3 is what I had), then simply press shift and then enter 11 times. this completes the dialog. repeat. while the crests ARE removed, even when you have zero, and even on other days, you can still do this. When you feel you have enough pipe foxes, simply do not repeat the dialog. There is no restriction on how fast you may do this as long as your keypresses are accurate.
PS: Not sure if the witch bottle glitch has a fix but i don't itch to check so that's the sitch
Thank youfor bringing the bug to my attention! But in the future I'd appreciate if you could DM me over twitter or something instead so I could patch it out though, as I really don't like exploits like these. I'll have this sorted in time for the next update, much obliged.
Hiya! Just wanna say I reeaally enjoy your work. But, how do I transfer over my save files? I keep having to start all over when I wanna download the latest version...
Its actually quite easy! Search through your older version folders for files like the ones below, then just copy and paste them to the newer version folder and bam! You're saves have been transferred!
A witch doesn't have to be female, they just popularly are depicted as such. Witches are actually just individuals thought to have/practice magic more specifically evil/dark magic.
First off, amazing game, played through the majority of it.
I cannot seem to be able to figure out how to properly save my game... im unable to figure out how the files work, maybe im booting up the game wrong? this is the file i open to start it up. .
I checked out the files, and there seems to be icons for the bat character hypnotized. Does anyone know of a way to hypnotize/enslave them, is that something planned for a future build, or is it scrapped?
Sorry for the wait, but there aren't many! Yet. I'd really like to add in more scenes that are altered by what you're wearing or what stats you've got in the future, but it'd take a lot more work. One day though! <3
Yes! I actually have had the same issue with saves not transferring but i did also find a way to transfer them! If you go back into your older versions files (the one with the save) you can find some files labeled in the image below, just copy and paste those into the new version (literally just in the same part as the actual game) and it should show you your saves in game now!
Had a go for an hour and change today and first impression is that, contrary to the description, it IS quite grindy.
The text is well written, the art is very appealing, there’s a lot to like but it felt hard to find my footing at the start of the game.
I explored the mansion, read all the things then got to exploring the world. Since I picked Charm as my starting stat (felt like a tough choice, but adequate since the ability to recruit looked like a central concern) I gravitated a lot towards working in town. getting 30-45 gold even on the “good jobs/successful skill checks” doesn’t leave a lot of time to explore the game itself, when you burn through 20 a day.
But that also got less relevant when I couldn’t really do anything outside due to stats. 1+1 doesn’t really seem to enable you to pass any tests, so first order of business would be to bulk myself up but, +1 stat requiring 6 servants felt really harsh when my impression from the hypnotist just walking all over my 3+1 charm was that I’d need at least 5 in any stat I wanted to have any chance of being useful. That’s 6 servants for Charm and 24 for each other stat and servants aren’t that easy to come by outside of the detective quest. Having to rely on triggering the right event and, also, maybe succeeding a check.
So yeah, not sure if I ended up missing something, selecting “hard mode” by accident or whatever but the game felt like it would demand A LOT of time to allow me to settle.
Also: Consider adding some “mash skip” protection when the player is then presented with an option. I selected things by accident quite a few times. None of them were too much of an issue, but it’s a bit annoying
Yeah from my experience it does seem as if Charm is truly the hard mode equivalent in the game. I tend to find it extremely easy to beat the game in around thirty minutes with just starting with speed then using the first magic bottle in wisdom. Overall though, if you beat it with charm, you've truly beaten the game.
This is a great game! I loved it so much, but If there's more NSFW scene and further interaction with those hero slave, it'd be the best game I've ever played. But still, It is an undeniable great work of yours. <3
← Return to game
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Finally tried the game, and its really good! I wish the Julian scenes had more about general submission and petplay though 😊 I will be visiting your patreon soon to give my thanks.
A couple of mistakes i found:
When I did the rabbit hunt, I tried to go back, but somehow ended up looping back to the question of "do you want to go back", seemingly giving me endless verdure.
I think there's a sentence in the rabbit hunt where a "pack" should have been a "back".
! Problem in windowns 11
How to get to the kitsune manor?
From what I experienced, you need to have captured all four heroes in the story line and then visit the Forest several times after. A scene will randomly trigger for it.
I spent days just trying to capture or tease the foxes who were snagged by the woods, but only after I got the 4th hero did it happen eventually.
Also, don't know if it matters, but I had upgraded everything in the house, so stove, work bench, milk shed.
For instance, one of the questions I'm stumped on are, is the decision to befriend or enslave made as soon as the first kitsune comes to your door? If so then I'm glad I have like 5 save files dedicated to just the kitsune arc. Though with only 15 slots max, this is becoming hard to manage x.x
Can anyone tell me what how to reduce the submissive stat?
The hypnotic insight item. I... cannot remember where I got it from. XD Maybe the forest when scouting the merc camp? Also when foraging if you free the kitsune, and then "let them go".
I mainly remember getting it from watching Julian's show at his circus and not getting tranced. I believe you can also get it by going through the Tunnel of Love safely.
I absolutely LOVE your game, so much, my goodness. but I really wish there was a Discord and some guides because I am so lost sometimes ^^;
bro why is the hunt music so fucking good
How do I increase my comfort?
- eat strawberry cake
- equip a toy that rises comfort
- Use weed
How do you increase the comfort of the house?
The Strawberry Cake things is serious. Having Felicity, the Rabbit, and/or Kano in your active party can raise comfort if I remember correctly.
Thoughts so far: Small update, but still good.
Fast fixes (aka what's missing): No Kano stuff when using Dreamcatcher.
Dark Desires (Aka what I'd like to see in the future): I'd LOVE a perma-fox-tail potion. Like, if you use it enough days in a row, Rieki would notice and offer a permanent version. Cause FLOOFY TAILS.
A new world map, maybe a desert/beach themed world? Someplace for Citrine to kick up their paws, get a tan, relax for a while, conquering heroes is hard work, he needs a VACAY. Plus we could see, say, Felicity in a cute swimsuit.
How do I get Kano to be huntable?
You gotta befriend or hypnotize the kitsune at the mansion and you'll gradually unlock different events. Once you've done enough you'll get one last one to unlock the ability to hunt Kano.
I really liked the game, I have some criticism but this isn't the place, if you could open a forum for bugs that would be cool.
for example if you enslave Kano and rename him, in the garden where you find him and talk to him the first dialog doesn't have the new name, it says:
"Kano is busy sketching in a notebook, ..."
So I'm not sure if I'm just a little dumb but I am having issues with launching the game itself and i wanted to see if someone could help me.
(by this i mean the game will not even open when i double click on it)
Just wanted to ask how Citrine's doing, tad worried, haven't seen anything new on their patreon, just a lil worried.
Oh, I'm okay! I was just at Anthrocon-- I mentioned a delay via the patreon's discord, but so we're clear, I'm planning on releasing the update just a few days from now!
ah. I'm not on the discord, so...
Just a heads up, I had a lot of trouble getting to 1.1.2. Turns out I can't download it using itch's launcher. I think it might have something to do with the windows logo missing from the list of versions.
I did get it working by downloading the zip from the web site, so i'm fine now. ...Well as soon as I can figure out where the rabbit is. (I got super stuck because I didn't realize Pollen Addiction affected your ability to go to the ruins.)
I didn't see that! Fixed it now, sorry for the trouble!
Possible idea for later implementation, a scene gallery? For those none repeatable scenes like the heroes hypnosis and other possible scenes later down the line.
don't we have that? Isn't that what the dreamcatcher does? (I don't use it much)
I don't see a dreamcatcher. When and where is it?
not sure when, but the left nightstand
you unlock it after the party, which occurs after you get; The hound, The cleric, The rogue, and The Leader.
Also, going through Kano now, Citrine (the witch, obvious but it hurts not to specify) constantly says neither in the place of either, which doesn't seem to fit their character. Their thoughts, at least, are very well read, as is prominent in their descriptions of their partners during the act. While of course I am not a writer I do find this to break immersion at least for me. (Otherwise though love the game is great love it)
PS: Can you add an option to mute hunt music? I genuinely find it too distracting because of how good it is and have to mute my PC which is a hassle because my keyboard doesn't have a mute option
Tee-hoo, tee-hee, time for another dupe trick from me!
Are you running low on servants? don't want to deal with the grind of getting more for my witch bottle glitch? Well have i got just the thing for you! You do need access to the kitsune manor, but you need to beat the game to dupe witch bottles anyway so :shrug:
Talk to the merchant. go to requests. If the request is for a hero's crest, (and if you have 3, i'm not sure if other values work but 3 is what I had), then simply press shift and then enter 11 times. this completes the dialog. repeat. while the crests ARE removed, even when you have zero, and even on other days, you can still do this. When you feel you have enough pipe foxes, simply do not repeat the dialog. There is no restriction on how fast you may do this as long as your keypresses are accurate.
PS: Not sure if the witch bottle glitch has a fix but i don't itch to check so that's the sitch
Thank youfor bringing the bug to my attention! But in the future I'd appreciate if you could DM me over twitter or something instead so I could patch it out though, as I really don't like exploits like these. I'll have this sorted in time for the next update, much obliged.
alright, will do in future.
I will of course, make heavy use of them first ;)
Hiya! Just wanna say I reeaally enjoy your work. But, how do I transfer over my save files? I keep having to start all over when I wanna download the latest version...
Search through your older version folders for files like the ones below, then just copy and paste them to the newer version folder and bam! You're saves have been transferred!
ohmygod thank you. Ughhh shouldve realized that sooner.
No problem at all, and unless you know what to look for it can be quite problematic to find.
Very intriguing game from what I can see here.. if it weren't for the fact that the "witch" isn't female...
A witch doesn't have to be female, they just popularly are depicted as such. Witches are actually just individuals thought to have/practice magic more specifically evil/dark magic.
Do you get locked out of certain content if your submissiveness gets too high?
First off, amazing game, played through the majority of it.
I cannot seem to be able to figure out how to properly save my game... im unable to figure out how the files work, maybe im booting up the game wrong? this is the file i open to start it up.
NEVERMIND! I figured out how to keep the saves lmao, not sure if its the intended way but im good now
I checked out the files, and there seems to be icons for the bat character hypnotized. Does anyone know of a way to hypnotize/enslave them, is that something planned for a future build, or is it scrapped?
I would have to guess that that is something planned for later, perhaps another "hero" found in the ruins?
How do you become Kano's Paramour?
Was working on my sub run, trying to get the Rabbit to unlock Kano, and found one of the scenes seemed to change based on being in a maid outfit.
Are there any other scenes like this I should be going out of my way to find?
Sorry for the wait, but there aren't many! Yet. I'd really like to add in more scenes that are altered by what you're wearing or what stats you've got in the future, but it'd take a lot more work. One day though! <3
Yes! I actually have had the same issue with saves not transferring but i did also find a way to transfer them!
If you go back into your older versions files (the one with the save) you can find some files labeled in the image below, just copy and paste those into the new version (literally just in the same part as the actual game) and it should show you your saves in game now!
I hope you feel safer soon.
does anyone knows how to get more witch bottles? :,)
Seems Version 1.1.2 isn't available to download on the Itch app. Unless I'm blanking out and forgot something.
how do i open full screen without f4?
I really want to see more of the bat scene and maybe finally enslave them or something. All I can do is wait and see
ah. Found a bug.
Had a go for an hour and change today and first impression is that, contrary to the description, it IS quite grindy.
The text is well written, the art is very appealing, there’s a lot to like but it felt hard to find my footing at the start of the game.
I explored the mansion, read all the things then got to exploring the world. Since I picked Charm as my starting stat (felt like a tough choice, but adequate since the ability to recruit looked like a central concern) I gravitated a lot towards working in town. getting 30-45 gold even on the “good jobs/successful skill checks” doesn’t leave a lot of time to explore the game itself, when you burn through 20 a day.
But that also got less relevant when I couldn’t really do anything outside due to stats. 1+1 doesn’t really seem to enable you to pass any tests, so first order of business would be to bulk myself up but, +1 stat requiring 6 servants felt really harsh when my impression from the hypnotist just walking all over my 3+1 charm was that I’d need at least 5 in any stat I wanted to have any chance of being useful. That’s 6 servants for Charm and 24 for each other stat and servants aren’t that easy to come by outside of the detective quest. Having to rely on triggering the right event and, also, maybe succeeding a check.
So yeah, not sure if I ended up missing something, selecting “hard mode” by accident or whatever but the game felt like it would demand A LOT of time to allow me to settle.
Also: Consider adding some “mash skip” protection when the player is then presented with an option. I selected things by accident quite a few times. None of them were too much of an issue, but it’s a bit annoying
Yeah from my experience it does seem as if Charm is truly the hard mode equivalent in the game. I tend to find it extremely easy to beat the game in around thirty minutes with just starting with speed then using the first magic bottle in wisdom. Overall though, if you beat it with charm, you've truly beaten the game.
ohlol XD
Citrine permanent kitsune transformation thooooo? I'd LOVE to get to be a handsome ass kitsune
Oo something i didn't realize i needed
This is a great game! I loved it so much, but If there's more NSFW scene and further interaction with those hero slave, it'd be the best game I've ever played. But still, It is an undeniable great work of yours. <3
is there any chance you will make this compatible with mac?