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(2 edits) (+2)(-8)

Ah yes, dev log are delayed as usual. Idk if posting one is needed for every update, but this one is delayed, at least I think

Edit: Looking back at this, my wordings really makes it sound offensive (This edit might also be the same). It's also amazing that I can downvote myself, definitely using this more often later


Looking at the Twitter, there's Female Felicity and being able to sleep with Heroes and Servants if I interpreted it right.

Ah, right. Thanks!


No problem. I get not knowing if you're not really a Twitter guy.

(1 edit)

I can't play with my save in the new version :(

EDIT: Nevermind, I found a way to do it: You gotta open the game files and copy and paste the save file from the 1.8 version to the 1.9, and its working alright for me.

(2 edits) (+1)

Be aware, the game crashes when using a save file from an older version at some kitsune manor scenes in 1.9. I assume this is from Citrine updating the art to use new images, as the error mentioned a dizzy fox image not being found.

This also all happened during the pollen takeover, and it feels like a glitch to be able to visit the manor while the event is active.

hey i don't really know if this is a bug or not but the cleric hunt has the cleric constantly referred to like this: Deer her/him. it cuts off the text so i'm assuming it's not intentional. i am playing on a save from version 1.2 if that helps

Playing from so many versions back can mess things up sometimes I'm afraid! An immediate solution would be to make a genderswap potion and use it on the cleric.

Yeah i figured that out after reading the changelogs. It seems to have worked. I think the problem was that i'd met the cleric right before updating.

Great, really glad I could help! <3

Thank you!

Does the text about Felicity daydreaming about wanting to be Citrine's Girlfriend imply that we are/will be able to feminize him?


Changing their gender is in the current patreon version of the game and will be publicly available at the beginning of next month!

idk why, but none of your games work for me.
I use Windows 11 and haven't customized anything, but the only key that does anything while the game is onscreen is the 0 key on my numbers pad. Not even the normal 0 at the top of the keyboard, which acts as the confirm control. 
Otherwise, if I tab out and back in, it also seems to count as using the confirm key. No other keys work, and there is no way for me to move in any of your games. ;u;

It's a bit disappointing because I would really like to try them.


very hot game, love the writing. really liked julien's bad ends, hope there's more NTR to come :-)

i somehow got myself suck on having only 2 party members

is this a bug or is there A reason for this

Did you let Julian hypnotize Felicity and remove one of them from your party? 

i think so, not quite sure, since when it first happened, i had to readd felicity once they came back

Yeah, vaguely remember that being a glitch.


It would be nice to have a name editor available in the game. Is this a planned feature for public release, a Patreon-exclusive feature, or is it not feasible?

is there a way of reducing pollen addiction or have i soft locked myself out of the ruins zone

bottled clarity helps :>

Figured it out, some time ago, just waiting on the next update rn, thanks for answering tho

i can only get locke to kiss me three times, after that every time i ask for a kiss it instantly closes the dialogue box

Starting the game, I cant move, or at least only right and left.... in menus, my up button doesnt seem to work (though my down button does?)


Has anyone made a guide or something similar? The wiki is very incomplete, and I find it a little difficult to explore and find new content myself.

Take a look at those

Development log

you might find what you want :)


I dont understand, I have maxed out my speed stat and yet Im constantly failing Speed stat options. I even modded my save file to test it out so I have like 11 speed and still fail said options what is going on!?

wait how did you mod your save. 


I used a save file editor to change my stats


This would not work due to how the game is coded! I can't really offer advice or take a bug report seriously if someone's messing around with their files like that, since you might've just bungled something on your end, which sounds like what happened here. The patreon-exclusive versions of each update might be a more reliable way of cheating the game, given it includes a debug room for this exact purpose!

Ok. Didn't know there was a patreon version. Also it didn't seem to be working properly before I edited the save.. as I stated in my original post I kept failing Speed stat options despite having maxed out my speed.

I still have my save that I import to the latest version from when I can get a lot of witch potion and I make my stats at 8. it works fine for all stats. But honestly, I like to play with the RNG so I had other save that were made on the latest version of the game. It's stressful to fail but also fun for me

Deleted 317 days ago

How do you get the mercenary scene from the new update?

To clarify, I already have the brothel one, the Locke ones, servant ones, etc. I just haven't been able to see the mercenary one for some reason despite interacting with him while having the status affect.

small question, are you going to add Kano to the dreamcatcher area or not?

Will you make it on android at some point? Would be very cool

Hey i got a question.
With Locke are you only able to do his kissing scene 3 times before it stops working?, or is it just a bug im having.?

(1 edit)

I had the same problem.

And he didn't behave or disappeared after I captured all the heroes, which kept me from unlocking Locke's dungeon.



Grate game so far - i do love the writhing and the mechanics of the gameplay. Tho i have a question: 

in a earlyer build... there was a special room where you could cheat. It was nice cuz you could look at the different outcomes. Is this room gone?


yo wassup chat its ya boy, scout from tf2 with another rating of funny games for 18+ (dont tell piss mauling)

anyways ill rate this a 7.9/10 its a great game with a great story but im more into the animated dancin on the bed scenes out here so yeah see you in another comment sectiooon.

Holy shit its scout from tf2


I got a big bug in 1.7 version

I have all the hero plus Kano the only one left for my collection is Julian (the best and most charming of all <3<3<3) 

I did all the thing necessary to have acces to his hunt

the problem is when I selected "go on a hunt" it proposed me "kitsune mansion" and when I checked it was really the kitsune mansion hunt.even with the fact I have kano as a slave AND active

tried to restart the game nothing changed

tried to do the hunt of kitsune, and mansion (with Kano active because funny) and won the hunt. so I have Kano as a slave in my garden, Kano as active in my team and kano non-hypnotized in my basement (and I hypnotized him again of course x3 (no I didn't get two Kano) )

and when I came back to the entrance of the manor and select hunt it say I don't know where to search (even after I "unlocked" Julian  hunt)

when I go back to the circus trying to "re-unlock" Julian hunt there is only two event playing : the talent show and Julian show

so yeah I'm stuck :'3

is it because I did Kano before Julian ?

is it because I did the bad end of julian before, selected "try again" and had enough wisdom to break out from his control ? (best bad ending btw cause Julian perfect and would totally restart this """"bad end"""" over and over YES I SIMP AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME !!! >:3)

am I doomed to restart a whole game to have all the slave in my collection ? surely yes :'3...

Sup Citrine, Had a lot of fun with the game and it was nice being able to change preference though the only stuff I want to recommend is to add the Induction scenes in the "dream" world, that's all for now I guess, Looking forward with your next updates :3

actually this game is very good i wish you good luck with that project thats is awesome

Thanks for the update~!
I'll be trying it out some time later, I hope you have a good day

I think I found a bugged check. I literally have 1 Wisdom and I'm repeatedly trying to fail the W+ check that triggers the Shrine Maiden TF scene, and it just doesn't fail. So there's no way for me to access the scene.


I think the Cleric's dialogue is broken, it said "Deer he/she" at every pronoun, which made reading really confusing! (i forgor taking a ss)


Are there music credits in the game anywhere? I really want to know what the 'Hunt' music is because it's an honest jam.


Is there any possibility you can add some kind of gallery, so we can see past events.


Hey, where can I put a bug report? I found a duplication glitch for Witche's Bottle, so it's kinda broken


Ooh, what is it?

...You know, so I can avoid doing it... >.> <.<

Is any one else having trouble with the controls? I'm on windows, and I figured out out all the alternate key combinations except the Menu/Inventory(esc won't work).

I am but I have not find what they were can you help me by posting the control scheme

hey um, how do i get worship and witch's bottles? I've looked everywhere but i cant seem to find them at all... so like where are they? 

You get Worship from corrupting the Shrine deep in the Woods. There are two Witch's Bottle. One from Locke and the other after defeating the Four Adventurers.

Can someone help me I keep getting a message saying "can't access system file" it goes away if I redownload the game but I have no clue why.

(1 edit)

Loving the game so far. Can't wait for more female content, esp. (hopefully!) eventually female Felicity and Cit, and maybe some forced genderswap stuff, since my "perfect home" is having the Mistress control an all-lady harem hehe. Also hoping for more (strong) possession content.

Not sure if HypnoCatto will see this, but dev, if you do, was wondering if it's ok for people to write fanfic based on the game (non-monetized, of course, and credit mentioned to you for creating it)?

(3 edits) (+1)

After I put Julian in the shed, the rogue is no longer activating at the end of the day despite having him equipped. Locke, Felicity, and the barbarian all function properly. Things went back to normal once I let Julian out, and hasn't come back after I sent the barbarian in. I am on 1.7 using save files transferred from older versions.

Actually, I noticed that too. At first I thought the Rogue just didn't have any end of day events.

I started playing at 1.16.1, would love to update to the 1.17, but is there any way I can do that without losing my save file?


Move the save files (should be like Save1.lsd etc) from one version to another, that's what I did.

Will do, thank you :3


A really wonderfully made game! I loved and enjoyed many details, regardless of bugs. The fun dialogue, the designs of each character, the barrel design too~, and the idea and gameplay behind it makes this such a good game. I absolutely cannot wait to see more~ 

-Literally just a fox

hi, bug with the potion: I used it to change the cat, then made another to use to change the wolf but was curious about what it would say for the fox. It acted as though I had selected my cat. I went to select the cat to see if it would still be the cat, and I got forced out of the menu and couldn't open the esc menu. I was also turned into an arrow. so. Ending the day did fix it.

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