Perfect Home [1.1.2]: The Kitsune's Masterpiece

Hey y'all! My apologies for not posting the last update's patch notes as quickly as usual. I've been really busy after a family member got into a car accident-- I've also been in the middle of moving to a city, so my hands have been really full! Thank you all for being so understanding!
Now! I absolutely love adding in new heroes/rivals/pets/what-have-you to the game, though this one has DEFINITELY made me realize how much work they can be to crunch into a month-long development span! I think going forward, I might make updates featuring new heroes/servants a two-month endeavor-- I just can't release a hunt, subjugation, all the end-of-day events and everything else piece by piece like I can with other batches of content, and as time goes on and I introduce more mechanics, it'll only become more of a workload. It's going to be a while before I introduce the next ones, though, and the schedule for everything else is still very much the same!
After 1.1.3, the next several updates are going to be geared towards overhauling current content and adding in a lot of quality-of-life fixes, particularly to do with prettying-up some menus, adding in art/animations to older scenes, expanding upon current mechanics (like Pollen Addiction!), and cracking down on some errant bugs I still haven't gotten around to fully exterminating. 1.1.3, though it'll mostly be crossing my T's and dotting my I's, promises to introduce a good chunk of stuff to play with on its own too-- new scenes determinant on whether you're friendly or a bully to the mansion, some additions to the bad end, ANOTHER bad end, and probably more that I'm forgetting!
For now, though, back to the writing mines with me. 'Til next time, and have a happy Pride! 🧡
(P.S.; sorry if the debug room is missing some things! It's actually one of the things I'd like to revamp/revise in a couple of updates. Please bear with me... ; w; )
• From now on, when your fox transformation has progressed too far, you'll be stuck serving as just another hypnotized kitsune...
• Depending on how you interact with foxes in the kitsune manor, you'll encounter a few one-off scenes, that will ultimately result in drawing Kano's ire...
• Once you've made the necessary preparations, you can now hunt through the manor for Kano! A bad end for failing at the end of it will be introduced in update 1.1.3!
• Slowly introducing a more variety to end of day scenes! When spending 20 gold to upkeep the estate, the text displayed will be chosen randomly from a selection. Locke, Felicity and Julian have some slightly randomized content too! Will be adding more over future updates, to make it feel less repetitive .
• Kano can now be brainwashed and enslaved!
• Added in new art for eating at the end of day!
• Added in custom music for the manor, by PaxtonStranger on twitter!
• Fixed some bugs/oversights, like the hound not having special dialogue for the pollinized mansion!
Get Perfect Home
Perfect Home
Brainwash heroes and put them to good use. [NSFW]
Status | In development |
Author | Citrine |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Adult, Erotic, Furry, hypnosis, Management, NSFW, Porn, RPG Maker, Singleplayer |
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