Perfect Home [1.0.0]: The Witch of the Woods

When I first designed Citrine, he was just a character for RP-- I thought, "okay, I feel bad about subjecting all my other characters to these horrible horny situations. I'll just make a throwaway character and spare the characters I REALLY care about from SHAME and SCANDAL." And I frontloaded him with everything I really personally enjoyed, I gave him a focus on hypnosis, lil' footwraps for paw stuff, a pack of big dumb wolves, and everyone really loved him-- probably because I loved everything he was about. Now that little throwaway character for shameless smut has an RPG with a huge audience as lovely as y'all. Weird how that works out, right? How making something you love can blow up-- how others see your energy and come to love it too.
That's all to say, holy shit, this has been REALLY successful for me! With the 1.0 update, I'll have been developing Perfect Home for almost two years, and I've hit my patreon goals so fast that I'm not sure what else I can even promise for future milestones. Full animations? Promotional stuff? ... merch??? I'll figure it out as I go, but the fact that the support I've received is exceeding all expectations is NUTS. It's been rocky, sure-- I had to take a hiatus early this year for extremely unfun reasons, and my mood's been a little fickle as of late-- but we've still made it to a milestone for one of the biggest things I've ever done, and I've got the biggest smile on my face thinking about it. So, thank you for being passionate about this thing I'm passionate about, and for letting me keep this up as a full-time job. You're all rad as hell!
With the sappy stuff out of the way, let's talk about the update! I struggled to come up with a good name for it, since it doesn't really have one major feature or mechanic to sing about, but rather a number of little things that help round up the game: title music, the ability to talk to your enslaved heroes in the manor, the rabbit can now be milked in the shed... I've made it so that some end-of-day scenes (namely with Felicity, Locke and Julian) have some variety to them, a concept I'll probably expand on so that, while the effects of each event are still the same, it doesn't FEEL as samey if you read through EVERY EoD event-- a small thing for a mechanic that's designed to be skipped through, but still a nice touch that makes 1.0 feel more like a finished product, even if it's anything but.
One thing I'm happy about is the cutscene that plays upon enslaving all the main heroes (not counting Julian)! It's a way to (finally) obtain another witch bottle, a sense of closure for finishing the current main bracket of content, and a peek into some backstory/lore to be touched on in the future. But even then, that's something I consider a nice touch rather than anything major. After this cutscene, though, you'll be able to replay scenes you're locked out of after progressing certain story segments, like enslaving Julian! Bad ends aren't included-- yet. I might make it harder to replay those on a whim, since I want y'all to REALLY earn your downfall.~
Of course, 1.0 doesn't mean that the game's finished being developed! There's so many items that don't have a use, so many mechanics I've hinted at but haven't begun to employ, so many ideas that need development, and so many characters we've seen, but haven't gotten to do much with! The next update, 1.1.1, is already out on my patreon: here's a sneak peek at one of the primary characters...
Their name is Kano, who is very much gender fluid with the help of kitsune magic! A cold and refined painter that uses their tails to turn captured heroes into pretty little foxes to fill their own estate, which HAPPENS to be in the very same woods as Citrine's. You'll be able to explore their manor, build a friendship or rivalry with the foxes, and inevitably hunt down their leader to turn into a cute new addition to your home... or maybe you'll get coiled up in tails, and slowly brainwashed into being a cute fox just like the rest of them. Who knows?
I'm also going to be adding in pet shows for the circus, where you'll be able to train your hypnotized heroes and humiliate them in front of a crowd... design more interesting dungeons... the ability to train your pack of brainwashed wolves... I'm so eager for all of this that I've already done some work in advance, but the sheer weight of each mechanic will still demand a whole month each before they're complete, possibly even longer. But they'll get done, and I think you're all gonna love 'em to bits.~
That's about it! Thank you all for being patient and waiting for this update-- I'm back from having taken a huge break, with the first part of the kitsune manor content, 1.1.1, already out on my patreon! Feel free to check it out, there's a link right on the store page. :3
Thank you all again for helping me make something so dang special out of what used to be just a silly character for roleplaying. I've been through a lot and I'm still healing, so something like this in my life is endlessly heartening. I mean, holy shit, I was in a Kotaku article-- hard to be sad about pretty much anything after hitting a mark like that. Talk to you all when I next release an update publicly, which is scheduled for the 10th of April!
Get Perfect Home
Perfect Home
Brainwash heroes and put them to good use. [NSFW]
Status | In development |
Author | Citrine |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Adult, Erotic, Furry, hypnosis, Management, NSFW, Porn, RPG Maker, Singleplayer |
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